Health Services
Ms. Delphinia James is Ellington’s school nurse. She is available during school hours. Basic first-aid is provided for students. A teacher’s pass is required for students to see the nurse during class times. No medication is dispensed from the nurse’s office without written, authorized physician and parental consent. See Ms. James for consent forms.
Contact: (202) 282-0099

Wellness Services
Ellington provides an array of supports for students who are stressed, overwhelmed, or experiencing other difficulties. At the Student Support Center, located on the ground level, students can see one of the members of the Wellness Team to discuss difficulties or concerns they are experiencing during the school day.
Parents, teachers/staff members, and students can also complete a referral form to connect students with mental health and counseling support at the school.
There is a student self-referral form and a student referral form for parents/staff to complete.
Send completed forms to desawellness@ellingtonarts.org.
There are hard copies of referral forms in the Student Support Center. Once referral forms are received the team will connect the student to appropriate services.
Types of mental health and counseling supports students can be referred to:
Tier II – Focused interventions (Support groups on the following topics: managing stress, peer relationships, problem-solving, etc, workshops to help students transition to high school and post-high school, and groups that address specific behavioral concerns)
Tier III – Intensive support and treatment services (Individual and group therapy sessions and crisis intervention).
Meet the Wellness Team and Title IX Coordinators
Title IX
Student Resources for Reporting Title IX Issues and Concerns
Title IX generally prohibits discrimination based on sex in any education program or activity that receives federal financial assistance. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and quid pro quo harassment.
It’s important all of us say something if we see something. Please remember that you can report by name or anonymously through our school app any Title IX Sexual Misconduct or Bullying/Harassment incident.
You can report directly to our Title IX Director, Mr. Hawkins, at arnold@jlm-hrconsulting.com or our Title IX Coordinator, Director Hayden, at donna.hayden@k12.dc.gov or anyone on the Wellness Team (listed above).

Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education
DC Rape and Crisis Center
DCPS has a partnership with the Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education to provide you with an advisor to help you navigate the Title IX process. For more information on working with an advisor please call (202) 442-5405 or email dcps.care@k12.dc.gov.
Additionally, you have the right to an advisor throughout the Title IX investigation process. An advisor can offer guidance and additional information on the Title IX process.
Please contact the CARE team at (202) 442-5405 or dcps.care@k12.dc.gov to be connected with an advisor.
You may also seek out confidential services for survivors with the DC Rape and Crisis Center.
For confidential therapeutic services, visit dcrcc.org.
DRCC can be contacted by telephone at (202) 232-0789 or by email at dcrcc@dcrcc.org.
DC Rape Crisis Center Hotline:
(202) 333-RAPE

IT Assistance
Internet Access Resources:
OCTO offers public WiFi and support by phone.
The DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer has installed hotspots in every Ward to provide convenient, citywide WiFi access. Click here to find the public WiFi spots nearest to you.
Parents/families in need of technical support can call the OCTO at 202-442-5885.
IT Resources for Students
Additional Resources for Internet Access:
> Quick Links
Internet Essentials: For families who meet certain criteria, Comcast’s Internet Essentials program offers affordable internet. Click here for more information.
Xfinity Public Hotspots: Xfinity has opened up all of their public hotspots to non-Xfinity customers. If you are within a coverage area, you can connect to the “xfinitywifi” WiFi, and accept the terms and conditions.
Math Tutoring with Mr. Ashiara
Tue. & Wed. 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Click this link to join virtual session.
Tue. & Wed. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Room 303
Questions or Concerns can be sent directly to Mr. Ashiara at victor.ashiara@k12.dc.gov.
Students will need to fill this form out ahead of time by no later than 3pm on either Tuesday or Wednesday of the tutoring days.