Inclusion at Duke Ellington
The District of Columbia Public Schools provides appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities. Students become eligible for special education services following an evaluation and determination of a disability. Each student in the District’s Special Education Program has an Individual Education Program (IEP) specifically designed in cooperation with parents/caregivers, teachers, the student, and other appropriate people, which may include a psychologist, social worker, and speech pathologist.
Ellington’s Special Education team will provide students with assistance in reading, written language, and/or math in accordance with their IEP and Federal guidelines. Ellington uses an inclusion model where special education teachers and general education teachers work together to meet the needs of the students. Itinerant service providers such as a social worker and a speech and language pathologist are on staff to provide these services as needed. Related service providers (such as a speech and language pathologist) are on staff to provide support as needed.
For more information about Ellington’s Special Education services, please email troy.cudworth@k12.dc.gov
"I'm very learning-disabled, and I think it drove me to what I'm doing."
- Chuck Close