Pay Fees Here
To pay, scroll down or click on your department below.
CAMP Dance Instrumental Music Museum Studies TDP Theatre Visual Arts Vocal Music
Each student at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts is responsible for a $200 annual arts fee. It is preferable that all fees be paid up front, in full, during registration. Payment plan options are available, but the full amount is to be paid annually by December.
What do your Arts Fees go toward? 100% of the arts fees go specifically towards your child’s arts department to provide resources and experiences that are fundamental to the training of young professionals in any arts discipline.
Nonpayment of arts fees may result in a student’s ineligibility to participate in field trips, various school activities, and a senior’s ineligibility to participate in the graduation commencement ceremony and receive school based scholarships.
Arts fees help provide the “must haves” that include, but are not limited to:​
Cinematic Arts & Media Production – Project licensing, field trips, publication of print projects, and computer software.
Dance – Dance publications, teaching aids, and music.
Instrumental Music – Instrument purchases, repairs, and accessories, headphones, and sheet music.​
Museum Studies – Guest lectures, field trips, exhibition supplies and printing.
Technical Design & Production – Scripts, books, subscriptions to Stage Directions magazine and others, and lighting/sound software.
Theatre – Production Materials (i.e. sets, costumes, props, light, sound), scripts, master classes, field trips and royalties.
Visual Arts – Mats, paints, charcoal, canvas, and art paper.
Vocal Music – Musical scores, costumes, music licensing, catering for student meals, accompanists, some field trip expenses.
Arts Fees bring $100,000 worth of assistance for quality school programming which will directly benefit our students.
Thank you for your contributions that help us to create the best Duke Ellington School of the Arts possible.